American Electrical, Inc. Distributeur
American Electrical, Inc.
- American Electrical, Inc. (AEI) sells Industrial Electrical Components in and around the control enclosure. American Electrical specializes in the Connection, Power and Protection of control circuitry. Most of the product lines offered by American Electrical, Inc. are derived from the application of the DIN Rail.
Many of the products simply snap on to the DIN Rail - Terminal Blocks, Fuse Holders, Circuit Breakers, Interface Modules, Disconnect Switches and Wire Ferrules (with associated Tools for crimping) along with Cable Grips to provide strain relief for cables entering the control enclosure. The DIN Rail system allows the end user to quickly install the rail and easily snap on control components - this saves space, time and money - all valuable assets. Utilization of DIN Rail is now the Standard in the Control Products Industry. American Electrical, Inc. is proud to offer its products with and through Future Semiconductor. -Less
American Electrical, Inc. catégorie de produit
- Connecteurs, interconnexions
- Borniers - En-têtes, fiches et sockets
- Borniers - Fil à carte
- Borniers - Rail Din, Manche
- Borniers - Accessoires - Rubans de marquage
- Borniers - Accessoires
- Borniers - Accessoires - Cavaliers
- Borniers - Accessoires - Viroles
- Borniers - Modules d'interface
- Interrupteurs
- Composants de commutateur de déconnexion
- Ensembles de câbles
- Assemblages de câbles rectangulaires
- Câbles D-Sub
- Protection de circuit
- Disjoncteurs
- Porte-fusibles
- Accessoires
- Outils
- Pinces à sertir, applicateurs, presses
- Tournevis et écrous
- Pinces à dénuder et accessoires
- Alimentations - externes / internes (hors carte)
- Alimentation par Ethernet (PoE)
- Câbles, fils - Gestion
- Poignées de câbles et cordons
- Accessoires
- Des relais
- Contacteurs (électromécaniques)
- Boîtes, Boîtiers, Racks
- Des boites
- Accessoires de boîte
- Quincaillerie, attaches, accessoires
- Des noisettes
- Rail sur rail DIN
- Test et mesure
- Accessoires
- Solutions de mise en réseau
- Commutateurs, concentrateurs
- Kits
- Kits de connecteurs